Reasons Why You Should Not Use Free VPN's

Cyber security threats to both businesses and individuals are increasing daily. The good part is that consumers too are increasingly becoming aware of the amount of personal data. To mitigate these risks, IT experts often advise the use of VPNs.  

What is VPN?

VPN stands for "virtual private network" — a service that helps you stay private online. A VPN establishes a secure, encrypts your browsing data/ connection between your computer and the internet , and lets you bypass geo-restrictions. , providing a private tunnel for your data and communications while you use public networks. 

How does a VPN Work?

A VPN works by encrypting your communications on whatever device you're using, including a phone, laptop, or tablet. It sends your data through a secure tunnel to the VPN service provider's servers. Your data is encrypted and rerouted to whatever site you're trying to reach.

Here’s a quick look at the cons of using a free VPN -

1. No personal data protection - 

Standard VPN connections do not guarantee total anonymity on the internet. VPN only masks your IP addresses and encrypts your data. On the other hand free VPNs have permissions or functions that could compromise a user's privacy Free VPNs are dangerous as they undermine your privacy rather than protecting it. 

Paid VPNs need your subscription money so they cannot run the risk of security failures. They never share your data or track activity. They have topnotch network security.

2. Increase in phishing attacks -

Free VPN providers don’t charge for their services, and it is usually through ads that they generate revenue. They display pop-ups or occasionally redirect you to pages with malicious content. click on these pop-ups, you could be risking a phishing attack and your device could easily be infected with malware before you even know it. 

3. Track and Sell Your Data -

Free VPNs make money by recording and selling your data, hitting you with ads, and/or redirecting your browser to e-commerce and third-party websites. Many of the most popular free VPNs in the Google and Apple stores are loaded with malware. Free VPNs cannot help but sell your data if they want to stay in business.  

4. Slow internet speed -

When there are too many users connected to one server, the connection speed drops. Overload issues are common among free and slow VPNs that cram too many users into too few servers in the hope that being “free” is enough to gain users

while using premium VPNs with extensive servers should never face latency.

5. Free VPNs can mean limited server options -

Paid VPNs offer numerous different servers for you to join around the globe. That's ideal if you want to stream content and avoid geo-restrictions. Free VPNs tend to limit what servers you can connect to. Also, free VPN servers can utilize lower levels of data encryption

6. Customer support -

Paid VPNs often have better customer support than free VPNs. Many free VPN services do not offer any customer support at all, or they only offer a ticket system, which can take days to get a response from. Paid VPNs usually have live chat support and email support, so you can get help immediately if you need it.




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